Edible Theology, Liquid Doctrine

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We sometimes divide up things that ought not to be divided. Just because we can distinguish them does not mean that they should be separated. We can distinguish height, breadth, and depth, but we cannot remove one without removing all of them. We can distinguish soul and body, but to separate them is to die. We can distinguish Word and sacrament, but it is utter folly to try to separate them.

We are given a Word and a Table. God intends for the Word to accompany the sacrament, and for the sacrament to accompany the Word. To have theological lectures alone is like gathering your family around a table every night for words coming out of mouths, but with nothing coming out of the oven. To have the sacrament alone is like having a family that shovels the food in, but cannot be prevailed upon to converse with one another. Do you want to be in a family that talks, but never eats? Or in a family that eats, but never talks? How about neither?

We gather to hear the Word, and we gather to feed upon the Word we have been given. What do we have on this Table before us? Edible theology, that’s what. Liquid doctrine. Love, doctrine, peace, conversation.

What God has joined together, no man should separate. Talk with God, partake with one another, share with one another, give to one another, and receive from one another. The Word informs us that this is what we are doing. The sacrament gives us opportunity to do. But without the Word, the sacrament does more harm than good. Without the sacrament, the Word doesn’t get down into your bones.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.



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