Edge of What?

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God has called us to be holy and blameless before Him, and so we need to understand that call. As Christians we know that holiness and blamelessness are good things, but we cannot just accept that the words refer to good things. We have to know how God defines these things—and this is what Scripture does.

This is not just true of scriptural terms. Terms of praise and blame always carry a standard with them, and this includes the terms that the world tries to use, and which Christians often try to borrow for some reason. For example, many young people have adopted the term “edgy” as a term of virtue to be praised.

We have a tendency to accept terms of praise simply if enough people in our immediate vicinity begin using it. But if we want to be thinking Christians, this will not do. The word “edgy” is one of the words that carries its claim of value around with it. So “edgy it is”—fine, but the question is, “on the edge of what?”


Is it on the edge of biblical holiness? Why would any Christian want to be on the edge of obedience—because that means you are right next to disobedience. Is it on the edge of false and legalistic standards? Fine, but who cares? Why would anybody want to define themselves by somebody else’s disobedience? Or perhaps it is on the edge of someone else’s obedience that you would like to think is legalistic? Ah, perhaps that’s it. Some people to define legalism as other people loving Jesus more than they do.

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