Christ In All

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When Jesus taught that He was the bread of life, come down from heaven, His listeners grumbled at Him. How was this possible, they asked? This was Jesus, after all, and they knew Joseph and Mary. How was it possible that He came down from heaven?

Jesus answered them as said that they should not murmur, and the reason for this is that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws him. And if the Father draws him, then Jesus Christ will raise him up on the last day.

We see in this that faith is a gift, sovereignly bestowed by a gracious Father. If it were to depend on scientific research, these listeners could get no earlier than Bethlehem. If it were to depend on human science, you could only trace this bread back to a particular grain field, and this vine back to a particular vineyard. But nonetheless, this is a heavenly banquet. How do we know this? All that the Father gives come to Christ, and they see Him. They see Him in the bread and wine; they see Him in the gospel; they see Him in the Old Testament; they see Him in their marriages; they see Him everywhere – for everyone that confesses that Jesus is Lord, and believes in his heart that God raised Him from the dead, will be saved.

Abandon all superstitions, and all false gods. Christ alone is Your Savior, and He is visiting you with His kindness now, a kindness that will extend to the last day.

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