But At Least We Fought

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“The forces of the Enlightenment and modernity routed the standing armies of the faith in Europe, accomplishing what we currently see there, which is a nearly total hegemony on the part of unbelief. In this country, the forces of modernity captured all the key cultural centers, and metaphorically speaking forced the faithful up into the hill country. And from such an unlikely place, over the last century or so, believers have mustered a rag-tag, valiant, fundamentalist, vibrant resistance that has functioned as a fairly effective guerilla movement — hard to track, and all over the landscape. From Faith Community Chapels to Knee Deep in Glory worship centers, Christians, a lot of them, still believed that God was God, Christ was Christ, the cross was salvation, and the Bible was truth — yesterday, today, and forever. But because of our embarrassing deficiencies, and the widespread anti-intellectualism in our ranks, we were forced into fighting armored tank divisions with some sticks we found lying around. But at least we fought.” (“Epilogue” in Bound Only Once, p. 219).

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