Books Other Than the Bible

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“The writing and reading of God-honoring books is not a substitute for Bible reading; it is the result of Bible-reading . . . The teaching of Scripture on this point [Eph. 4:11-12; Neh. 8:7-8] is very clear. God requires uninspired teachers to exposit His Word and apply it to the lives of God’s people . . . And if some of the believers are tempted to give too much wide-eyed credence to their fallible teachers, then their teachers should warn them about that, just as they warn them of other sins . . . [Those who object to this] say, in effect, that the Bible should be honored — so long as it is kept barren and produces no teachers, and no books. And incidentally, it must also be remembered that although they maintain that they sit at the feet of no man, there is as least one kind of human teaching they do think highly of — whatever has been forged in their own brain” (Mother Kirk, p. 208).

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