Being Fitted

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The Puritans used to speak of improving their baptisms. By this they did not mean that the sacrament of baptism had any deficiencies, but rather that the sacrament of baptism was a beginning.

God is easily pleased with us, and with our improvements, but He is not easily satisfied. In fact, because we will live forever, and because He is always the infinite God, and we will always be finite, the process of growing up into Him will never be done. Because it will never be done, He will never be satisfied with us in that sense, as though we had somehow arrived. But every step along that way will be pleasure and satisfaction in another sense. This Table here is one of those steps. So come, improve your baptism.

As you do, never forget the actual journey you are on. Jonathan Edwards once said that for the unbeliever, this world will be as close to Heaven as he will ever get, while for the believer this world will be as close to Hell as he will ever get. Everything comes down to what it is we are becoming. We are being fitted for Heaven, or we (in rebellion) are insisting on being unfitted for it. Note the passive voice—we are being fitted. We are not earning.

So we improve our baptisms as we come to worship the Lord, as we hear His Word proclaimed, as we sing praises to Him, as we partake of His body and blood here at this Table, and as we walk in newness of life in the course of each week. So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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