Be Sure to Pick Up a Salt Pig

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One of the things we have seen starting to take root in our community here is an emphasis on sabbath celebration. This is distinct from sabbath observance, if observance is merely defined as nothing more than having scruples about what you can and cannot do on the Lord’s Day. But learning how to call the sabbath a delight ought not to be a chore. The Lord’s Day really is a day of rest, worship, and joy.

This is something that we can start learning how to do, even if we don’t have a pile of money. Rightly understood, the sabbath is the poor man’s friend precisely because it is every man’s friend. God always takes us up where we are, not where we should have been.

Not surprisingly, this renewed emphasis on sabbath living has led to the creation of resources to help out. One of those resources is a cookbook that my daughter Rachel and son-in-law Luke put together, and which the printer will be disgorging any day now. This is a great place to start if you are just beginning to think in terms of sabbath celebration. The cookbook does not contain recipes only, but also has some good articles to get you oriented. Check that out here.

And if that were not enough, our good friends Marlin and Laurie Detweiler (of Veritas fame) have started a web business with the promotion of sabbath living in mind. You can check out what they have to offer here. Tell them I sent you, and be sure to pick up a salt pig.

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