And Now for a Little Perspective

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“In virtually every town in our nation, there are a few people who are one hundred years old. At the time of this writing, they were born in 1909. When one of those individuals was a newborn, he or she could have been placed on the lap of another person, also one hundred years old. That second person would have been born in 1809, when James Madison was president. In other words, it wasn’t that long ago. You could talk to someone who had been held as a baby by James Madison, the man who drafted the United States Constitution. Take it back one more lifetime. That person would have been born in 1709, when Queen Anne was our monarch. Four lifetimes land us in 1609, before New York City was settled as New Amsterdam.  Just four lifetimes, placed end to end” (5 Cities, pp. 172-173).

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