Always Learning, Never Getting It

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The word hamartano is used once in 1 Timothy, when Paul warns that Timothy is not to permit an accusation except on the basis of two or three witnesses. Those who are found to have sinned need to be rebuked publicly so that the others might fear (1 Tim. 5:20).

Hamartia comes up three times in the two letters to Timothy. The first is when Timothy is told to be slow to ordain — which will keep him from being a partaker in other men’s sins (1 Tim. 5:22). And then, two verses later, Paul says that some men’s sin have a flashing light on top of them (v. 24), while for other men they come creeping in afterwards. All sin eventually comes out, just not at the same rate.

In 2 Timothy, Paul gives a warning about false teachers, and points out that false teaching thrives on guilt. Silly women, laden with guilt, are an easy mark for those who would lead them into the curriculum of always learning and never getting it (2 Tim. 3:6).

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