No Indivisible Clump

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When we consider the technological developments that surround us on every hand — such as the fact that I am typing this on my phone in the car while my wife is running a quick errand at the mall — our reaction tends to treat the entire human race as though it were an indivisible clump. Either Google is making all of stupid, or it is making us all a race of savants.

But maybe it is doing what every other technological development in the history of the human race has done, which is to say, maybe it has been a boon to those who use it wisely and a disaster for those who don’t. For some people, the worst thing that ever happened to them was that tragic moment in first grade when some misguided soul taught them how to read. For others, not so much.

Technology is not the problem. Human folly is. Technology has never been the problem. Human folly always has.

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