Licorice Altoids

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A reader from a far place pointed out my very own howler. I take the liberty of quoting him at length.

Mr. Wilson,

While I am no fan of Mr. Gier, his scholarship, or his writings I feel obliged to defend him on one point. In a recent entry in your blog, you compared his confusion of post-millenial eschatology and the Left Behind “great shop-vac in the sky” position as “confusing licorice with Altoids”. If this is truly the nature of the doctor’s confusion I believe he may be partly excused for there are in fact “Licorice Altoids” available online and in select retail locations throught the country. Perhaps you meant “Altoids brand peppermints”?

Cheers . . .

To which I reply, abashed, why yes, that is what I meant. Peppermint Altoids.

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