Show Me How

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I once heard of a husband and father who had a problem with anger. Over the years, in his treatment of his wife, and in his outbursts against his children, he taught his entire family a profound slander against God the Father. Our Father in heaven reveals his wrath against His enemies, but He bestows tender mercies beyond all reckoning to His children. But this man was considerate of all who were far away from him (which included his enemies), and was frequently furious with those who had the misfortune to live with him.

What angered him the most was lack of submission. He thought that the Bible was clear enough on the subject, and so it astounded him when his position or office were crossed in any way. He was equally astounded whether the affront was real or imagined. His wife was a long-suffering woman, and had honestly tried for years to anticipate his moods, but this was difficult. He was the kind of man who was either angry or who looked like he would get angry for two cents. What he needed most desperately in the world was a friend to tell him what he was doing, but his anger was good insurance against that happening very much.

But after fifteen years of this, and with his wife faced with the prospect of grown children who would regard visits home with the same enthusiasm they would have if faced with a root canal, she finally determined to say something. Her mouth was dry, and I have to say she was very frightened, but one day she approached her husband with a request. She asked him if he would seek out pastoral help for his problem with anger.

He did not get angry, which was good, but he glowered, and said that he was not going to go get help from some pencil-neck counselor. His wife licked her dry lips, and said that this meant that she would have to go.

“But I forbid it,” he said.

“I am going anyway,” she said.

“The Bible says that you have to submit to me,” he said, playing his trump card.

“I have to confess that I am a very bad Christian,” she said, “and I don’t know how to submit. I need a man who will show me how.”

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