Nice Little Moscow Plug: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Some Fresh Thinking: Sent By a Friend: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Rob Ritchie Featured Product: New, and hence repeated . . . Proof as Moral Obligation:This book is dedicated to my son Nate, who was the first person I ever heard describing proof as …
Recapitulation and Imputation
“If all things are mine, then how could it be possible for the obedience of Christ to not be mine? The fact that the New Testament goes out of its way to show the life of Christ as a recapitulation of the history of Israel, but with this time Israel doing it right, makes this, in my view, undeniable. In all that He is and does, Christ is Christ for us. He does not recapitulate the history of Israel got show off how much He knows. It is not literary doodling. It is clearly redemptive—His entire life is salvific. The fact of it in the Incarnation is salvific, the trajectory of it in His recapitulation of Israel’s history is also, and the culmination of it in His death and resurrection is the capstone of our salvation.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 614
An Apple Core With Ants All Over It
Introduction: Since discussions of Christian Nationalism are now officially a thing, I want to make sure that I do not shirk when it comes to any responsibility I might have to help make the case. ...
A Decided Hierarchy
“My position is that Scripture is senior to the Confessions, and that the Confessions are senior to (and quite different from) popular American bapterian readings of the Confessions . . . The system is fine. The Confessions are fine. The problem is that Reformed bapterians have as many problem passages in the Confessions as they do in the Scriptures.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 606
Letters From a Bunch of People
Letter to the Editor: Hello dear brother Doug, I thank God for you! I have a fellow pastor who is working through how to discipline his wife. He believes that as he spanks his children (not ...
Secondary Instruments
“And none of this threatens sola fide in the slightest because to maintain that faith is the sole instrument in justification does not deny that God uses other secondary instruments, always subsidiary to the primary instrument, which is faith alone. Those other subordinate instruments would include, but not be limited to, preaching, Gideon Bibles, tracts in the laundromat, billboards, sermon tapes, baptism, godly mothers, and so on.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 605
At a Loss
“There are times when I walk around in tight little circles, looking helplessly at the horizon.”
The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 605
Classical Charter Schools as a Cut Flowers Display
Introduction: American Christians will still go to great lengths to avoid naming the name of Christ outside their religion boxes, otherwise known as churches and sanctuaries. The gods of secularism ...
Crescendo and Conclusion
Psalm 150: Sermon Video Introduction: This is a short psalm, but it is densely packed with hallelujahs. There are twelve of them here, and one hallelu-el. Together they praise Jah, the covenant ...
Crimson Glory
The God of all glory is the God of triune glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which is why the image and glory of God sing with our heads back in order to render reflected glory where it is due, and the result is a fusion of music and sacrifice. The Father is the Speaker …