A Bomber’s Nose

“Thousands of hours of study without meeting with the principals face-to-face is thousands of hours of yelling up the wrong rain spout. Establishing committees that are as stacked as a WWII bomber’s nose is not the way to inspire my confidence. No, I haven’t gotten over the sheer brazenness of that study committee.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 653

Guards or Bouncers?

“All pastors and elders should want to protect the Table from corrupt use, but we should do so a posteriori. The approach to church purity taken here is that of hiring big, beefy security guards at the door to check everyone’s IDs three times. The approach taken to church purity by what I take to be a more consistent covenantal approach is to hire big, beefy bouncers.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 644

Content Cluster Muster [03-28-24]

Watchoo Lookin’ At?: A Modern Macedonian Call: “Come over . . . and help us.” Acts 16:9 Covenant Reformed Church (CRC) in Fairbanks, Alaska, became a CRECMission Church in August, 2015. The congregation has grown to 37covenanted members (12 households) with an average Sunday attendanceof 50 souls. Currently, the Session consists of two men from …