Content Cluster Muster [09-12-24]

For Your Edification: That’ll Water Your Lawn: Quite the Colors: A Song I Really Like for Some Reason: Keeps the Memory Sharp: Hearing From Both Sides: Getting Out of the Daycare Business: HT: Samuel Cherubin: Igor Pozdeev Featured Product: Hadassah:This is the book of Esther in the form of a screenplay, in a steampunk setting, …

Not Marbles in a Sack

“We have to remember that regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, and sanctification are not five marbles bonking around in a sack. They are descriptions of what I do, or have done to me. I receive a new heart. I repent. I believe. I have the righteousness of Christ imputed to me. I walk in newness of life. The traditional ordo has limitations, and because of those limitations, it is easy to misrepresent.”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 903

Perhaps Too Much

“You said that we should not say things like ‘faith is obedience’ without qualification because people will grossly misunderstand. That is quite right, which is why in my post I qualified the heck out of my statements. I qualify my head off. They will carve on my tombstone, ‘He qualified a lot.’”

The Auburn Avenue Chronicles Vol. 2, p. 900