This is now the second Lord’s Day of Advent, and we continue to prepare ourselves for the celebration of one of the most monumental events of all world history—the time when the Second Person of the Creator God assumed a human body in the womb of a virgin, in order to join us in our …
The Central Table
This is the Table, and it has its rightful place at the center of our lives. What we do here sets the tone for what we do at every other table. This Table is the rudder; it guides and directs all our other table fellowship. If we are hypocritical here, we will be hypocritical around …
Slab of Humanity
Off to the left you see that I think that Zarafa Tutorials is one place you should check out, particularly if you have any children of writing age and you want to nurture them in creativity–which involves more than just grammatical competence. I recently had some fun looking at their first edition of The Dogberry …
Many Thanks
I am currently listening to the 70th edition of the Mars Hill Audio Journal, and it struck me how greatly indebted to Ken Myers I am. Over the years, this audio journal has been the most fruitful source of outstanding book recommendations of my experience. Give them a look if you have a moment.
Grace Upon Grace
Our Father and God, we rest in Your presence now because we come in faith to the day of rest that You have appointed. We rest in Your grace, and the faith that You give to do this is additional grace — grace upon grace. In Your presence we are glad to receive what You …
Hate Crimes and Private Property
Dear visionaries, Now that some progressives have been revealed as malice and/or ignorance mongers with regard to Christian businesses, I want to add two cents on the individual rights front — because this is where a far more important issue is. This also relates to our other discussion on hate crimes — which is increasingly …
Discrimination and Puppy Victims
Dear visionaries, A leader in our town’s liberal elite doesn’t think kicking puppies is a discriminatory event? Where is PETA when you need them? Cordially, Douglas Wilson “Homophobes are people too.” Charlesmagne “Apologetics in the Void” are repostings from an on-going electronic discussion and debate I had some time ago with members of our local …
Mankind loves to wrangle. It is part of the sinful condition we inherited from Adam. Unfortunately, this is one of the last sins addressed after conversion. In many cases, a professed conversion to Christ “just changes the subject,” but does not change the heart of a man given to quarrels. But “blessed are the peacemakers, …
Squelching Rumors
Dear visionaries, So, someone wants to know if a Discrimination Event occurred in a local coffee emporium owned by Christians? Rumor control, aye. So then I heard that there is a special room in the basement of the admin building where the president of the University of Idaho goes every day at noon and kicks …
Foundations of Marriage IV
Introduction: By the grace of God, we have repented of our discontent and want to be teachable. We want to hear the word of truth in truth, and make applications according to the Spirit and not according to the letter. And we want to apply whatever we learn to ourselves first, and not to our …