Dr. James Dobson is ticking off all the right people again. For the last two nights, I have watched (on national news!) the controversy between Dobson and SpongeBob SquarePants unfold. Well, actually, the controversy is not unfolding there, it is simply being perpetuated from one monomanaical vantage point. Those who want to find out the …
The Liberal Tree Fort
Dear visionaries, Carl chides my two friends for pointing out the inconsistency of an inclusivist group excluding people. But his chiding misses the point. We certainly do not object to liberals, progressives, socialists, or whoever, all deciding to build their own tree fort, and establishing the rules for admittance. As was pointed out by Carl, this …
Naturally Inquisitive
Dear visionaries, Anthony writes that “restorative justice is a value driven approach.” This is correct, because everything is a value-driven approach. And we return to the question that folks in this pluralistic little town of ours do not want to face squarely. Whose values? Why? Societies cannot function unless certain values are imposed and others …
Random Gifts
We get the odd contributions now and again. Just yesterday, some very thoughtful Wisconsin folks responded to the new Credenda devoted to cheese by sending us a wheel of Colby that was made in their neighborhood just a few days before. And it was really good too. And a few months ago, a woman named …
Potboiler Preterism
I’d like to take this opportunity to recommend a book that I am more than halfway through. The book is The Last Disciple, written by Hank Hanegraaff and Sigmund Brouwer, and is an fictional preterist counterpart to the enormously popular (and futurist) Left Behind series. The novel is set in the years of the Neronian …
Take It Slow
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 32 We have been emphasizing the possibility of progress, and, because we believe the promises of God we may even assert that progress is inevitable. Using the glorious imagery of the prophet, the lion will lie down with the lamb, …
Debate With James White (DVD)
Off to the right, third item down, is the debate I had last year with James White on whether or not Roman Catholics are members of the new covenant. It is now available through Canon Press (sorry about the delay), and we hope you are edified by it.
A Just War?
Dear visionaries, I was asked off line for the reasons I oppose the war in Iraq. But before summarizing those reasons, allow a brief response to John’s translation of my request. John said, “Translation: Do not comment about the war on terror or the war on Iraq. I might disagree with you.” Actually, I would …
Architectural Progress
“Look at the arrogance of technopoly–the skyscraper, the outside covered with reptilian mirror-like scales. Look at the impressive design of the thing–a box set on its end. Now look at a medieval cathedral and explain to us all why you still believe in progress. The flying buttress was a technological marvel, but it was built …
Jesus and the Law
In the course of working through the Sermon on the Mount, we inevitably must come to a subject that has been greatly debated among Christians. Unfortunately, the debate is not caused because the Scripture is all that ambiguous theologically on the point under discussion. It is caused because the teaching of Scripture is difficult for …