“Given the modern scientific understanding of human behavior in terms of natural laws, everything is determined by chemical reactions and evil arise solely from a miscalculation of the appropriate way of satisfying genetically determined inclinations. This the philosophy of progress; anyone who demurs is labeled irrational and sent for medical treatment. If one actually tries …
Effeminate Foppery for Jesus
“Resistance to a mindless and fastidious approach to the Christian faith is a mark of Christian masculinity. But we live in an effeminate age, one that is far worse in this regard than the times in which Spurgeon lived. This makes application of his insight simultaneously far more difficult and far more necessary. Not only …
This Just In
A federal judge has ruled that intelligent design and public school curricula are not at all compatible. But some of us already knew this.
Roots By The River
My father has started a blog, and I would like to commend it to you. It is called Roots By The River, and it can be found here. I have also put a permanent link off to the left.
Theological Tourism
We have now come to the chapter where McLaren describes how he is “Anabaptist/Anglican.” This has been quite a slog, and the cumulative effect of reading through these chapters on how Brian McLaren is evangelical, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, fundamentalist/calvinist, and so on, is similar to a $400 dollar whirlwind tour of Europe. “If it’s Tuesday, this …
Bread Baked in Heaven
As the Lord broke open the bread of life, and as He gave the cup of the new testament, He went on to say that the hand of the one who was to betray Him was resting on the same table. He went on to say that the Son of man was going just as …
Deep Kindness
A new commandment is given to you, that you love one another. This love is not to be understood as a mere sentiment, although it makes all true sentiment possible, and more than possible, lovely. Love means that we are to treat one another as the voice of God requires, and that we are to …
More Thanks to God
We are very grateful to God for yet another setback for the intolerista brigade. Last night the Moscow City Council voted (5 to 1) to amend the zoning code in such a way as to permit NSA to remain in its current location. I thank everyone who has prayed for us, and would ask them …
Evil, Be Thou My Good
“These forces are brought to fruition not so much in films of the horror genre itself as in more mainstream and critically acclaimed movies like Cape Fear and Silence of the Lambs (both 1991). These stories exalt the artistic boldness of their evil supermen, who put into question the timid mores of conventional society and …
Refried Beans
“The melodrama of modern evangelicalism has gotten really bad, and it is time to start an enthusiastic throwing of the popcorn” (A Serrated Edge, p. 82).