In the Prosecution of Their Errors

“And the Lord may not only justly deprive of such common gifts, but even or ordinary reason and judgment, whereby men become, at least, in the prosecution of their errors, absurd and unreasonable, without all capability of seeing the weight of a reason, or receiving a conviction, or observing their own folly, and to carry …


“Useless, meaningless statistics flood the attention of the viewer. Sportscasters call them ‘graphics’ in an effort to suggest that the information, graphically presented, is a vital supplement to the action of the game. For example: ‘Since 1984, the Buffalo Bills have won only two games in which they were four points ahead with less than …

You Betcher

In the second part of chapter five, Waters goes on to misrepresent me on some other issues, particularly on the subject of the perseverance and apostasy. While Wilson admits the existence and presence of hypocrites within the covenant community and stresses the necessity of the inward operations of the Holy Spirit for an individual’s salvation, …