If We Had Some Cheese

Westfold argues that Derrida is some kind of a natural law theorist. We can ascertain this from the title of chapter 11, “Derrida As Natural Law Theorist.” Westfold draws a distinction between logical positivists and postmodernists, a distinction that he considers important. The logical positivists said of their own position that it destroyed all ethics …

Start With Prayer

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 95 “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Prov. 16:3). It is important for us to dedicate our business to God. Unless the Lord builds the house, the one who builds it labors in vain. …

Art Goes to Seed

“In the sensate style, techniques become elaborate, complex, highly skilled, often showy. They are designed to impress, even to stun viewers. The means used to produce sensate art are varied and enormous in scope. Often a work’s mere size—its hugeness—passes for quality; the bigger a statue or building, the better it is thought to be. …

Truth Has A Face

“However, the biblical story is pretty unwieldy and remains storylike despite our best efforts. But over the course of the last 350 years, we have risen to the occasion and have trained ourselves to think of the story as just so much external baggage carrying around the internal, timeless truths. Depending on how the story …

No Such Thing As Nor Partaking

Most of our difficulties with understanding the Supper of the Lord stem from philosophical assumptions that we all carry about with us. One of the principal culprits has been the division of the world we inhabit into two parts—the spiritual and mental, the material and physical. But the world is not to be divided up …

Integral Art

“In technique, integral art approaches perfection. Figures no longer are portrayed frontally. Statues come to life. The means of execution remain moderate but are used to marvelous effect. Though visual in form, the art continues, in the ideational tradition, to ignore the vulgar, the debasing, the ugly, the immoral, the eccentric. If something base appears …