Sheik, Rattle and Roll

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“When I was a feshman at Al-Azhar University in 1980, I enrolled in class called Quaranic Interpretation. Two times a month we would gather to hear lectures from a blind sheik whose passion for Islam made him popular among the students. Yet his radical side was obvious. Anytime he encountered a reference in the Quran to Christians or Jews, he took great delight in referring to the Christians as ‘infidels’ and Jews as ‘the children of pigs.’ He made it clear that he wanted to bring back the glory days of the Islamic empire through jihad . . . Today that man is locked up in a prison in the United States. His name is Omar Abdel Rahman, and he was convicted of masterminding the first bomb attack of the World Trade Center, which occurred in 1993. Before he came to America, he was the spiritual leader of the radical Egyptian group al-Jihad, which carried out the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat” (Mark Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, pp. 23-24).

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