Repent, Repeal, Restore

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Lust seeks to obtain from a finite thing what only the infinite can provide. This is why, as the inevitable law of diminishing returns sets in, it becomes necessary to wring the rag of despair — which used to be kind of wet — ever tighter, seeking to get just one more drop of that elusive satisfaction. We do this even though the only thing that will ever provide any kind of true satisfaction at all are the fresh water oceans of the new heaven and new earth.

Lust can be momentary, a passing insanity. It can also become a settled condition, holding a man in terrifying bondage. It can also become the settled condition of an entire culture, where a people collectively demand from finite objects what only the infinite God can provide. This is what lies behind the persistent and insistent drive for same sex mirage.

And anyone who thinks that these turmoils will be over once we have same sex mirage in all fifty states is a person who doesn’t understand how lust works. We still won’t have satisfaction, we will still be in the grip of our irrational lusts, and we will not be done until it is legal for little Tommy to marry his goldfish.

Not only does lust function in this way, but precisely because it functions in this way, it is the path of death.

“Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, and never satisfied are the eyes of man” (Prov. 27:20, ESV).

Death is hungry, and lust is hungry, and it is the same kind of thing. Not only is this so, but it is an error of the first order of magnitude for us to think, because we are blinded by our corporate lusts, that God Himself cannot see us. But He can.

“Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord; how much more the hearts of the children of man!” (Prov. 15:11, ESV).

If hell is laid open before God, how much more the hellbound? Lust blinds us. It does not blind the one who will judge us for that blindness . . . and through that blindness.

There are always and only two options — in this world there are just two choices. The choices are either repentance, which leads to death and resurrection, or we stay the course with death, which leads only to more death, the final death, the lake of death. These are the only two choices.

We are surprised by the notion that God can see everything about us, including our irrational demands, and we are truly surprised and affronted when God sets any people free in the midst of our perverseness — photograhpers, bakers, and florists, say. The lust wants what it does, and it wants to shout down any who would contradict. This is all done in the name of sensitivity and tolerance, and hence the recent coinage of a most necessary word — totalitolerance.

“For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry. With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;” (1 Pet. 4:3–4, ESV).

Whenever someone is enabled by the grace of God to refrain from plunging into the orgy of nonsense, they think it odd. They think it strange. They are quite surprised. This is the new normal, they keep saying, and all intelligent people approve of this, as they try to pull off a wedding with two grooms. After that their wisdom will insist that mechanics start threading a couple of bolts together.

So all of this is a love affair with death. It is a revolt against sexual wisdom — which is both sexual and righteous — and this turns to the only thing you can turn to if you are determined to turn away from life. You have made your choice and must have sex with death. “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: All they that hate me love death” (Prov. 8:36). America has tarted up, has unbuttoned her blouse, and is shooting come hither glances at death. This is copulation with corpses; it is French kissing the zombies.

If you would admonish me for writing in such an unseemly fashion, I would reply that it is far more unseemly to approve and do such things than it is to point out that people are doing them. Scripture does not just condemn the perverted; it condemns those who applaud perversion as well (Rom. 1:32, ESV).

But advocates of same sex mirage say that we are past the point of no return. This is now the way it is, and finalization of the sexual revolution is inevitable. I quite agree that there is no legal way to reverse this. But Sheol and Abaddon are before the Lord, as well as our lusts, and our repentance is in His right hand. When He decides to pour it out, it will be poured out. While there is no legal or political salvation possible for us, this is quite a different thing than saying that salvation is impossible. Politics and law cannot save us, but both politics and law can both be saved.

So what will our repentance look like when it comes? What will it look like when God extends His right hand and begins to pour? We will at that time say this:

“We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness” (1 Kings 8:47).

That is what our repentance will look like, and our lewd corruptions will circle the drain three times, and then disappear forever. We will repent. When we have repented, we will repeal all our covenants with fruitlessness and death, state by state. When we have repealed those macabre covenants, we will restore the blessed institution of marriage, undefiled by the tortured imaginations of wicked attorneys and lecherous movie producers.

And whether or not any of this happens is up to God. As God’s people pray, they need to remember that all He needs to do is nod His head — and the thing is done.

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10 years ago

And whether or not any of this happens is up to God. As God’s people pray, they need to remember that all He needs to do is nod His head — and the thing is done.

I have a very wide, toothy smile on my face.

Thank you.

Eric Stampher
Eric Stampher
10 years ago

Do so lead us in these prayers, pastor.

David Smith
David Smith
10 years ago

“Politics and law cannot save us, but both politics and law can both be saved.”

Amen! Laws made by a wicked, lawless people are not only useless, but increasingly abhorrent. I suppose that’s at least partly what Mr. Adams was getting at when he said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

10 years ago

“our lewd corruptions will circle the drain three times, and then disappear forever. We will repent. When we have repented, we will repeal all our covenants with fruitlessness and death, state by state.”

But how do you see this happening? Do you mean after and because we’re on the receiving end of lightning stroke, whatever form it might take, or before that has to happen? Are we being optimistic here or pessimistic/optimistic? Have we considered, with regards to the U.S. of A., pessimistic/pessimistic?

10 years ago

I guess it seems quite obvious to me, but this is ultimately the end result of a democracy. People are inherently selfish, and a democracy reflects the people who are governed. Unless a person is sanctified by the Word, they default to sin, and death. There is no such thing as a morally neutral constitution. So unless a government is sanctified by the Word, it will default to sin, and ultimately death.

Gary Knapp
10 years ago

Dear Doug, Thank you for writing in such an “unseemly manner”. A generation as far gone as our needs to be shaken vigorously. We must turn the cannons on them as it were, take the terms, phrases and realities they are drowning in and hold them before them for their salvation. These verses come to mind: Ezekiel 23:19-20 “Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt. For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue… Read more »

Kent McDonald
10 years ago

Jeremiah 17:9English Standard Version (ESV)

9 The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick;
who can understand it?

When we are inside the maze it is hard/impossible to see the plan. When you look at the underside of an oriental carpet one can only wonder at the unrevealed beauty that the top will disclose.
We live in a fallen world. You have described reality in a most revealing way.

Thank you.