What We Are In For

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This is a meal, and so one of the things we do here is taste. “O taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him” (Ps. 34:8). As we see in this passage, to taste the Lord is to trust Him. It is to believe Him. This is another way of saying that tasting is sola fide, by faith alone.

There are two levels here. We either taste or we do not. If we taste, we taste by faith. If we do not taste Christ here, if the ordinances are to us like the white of an egg, then we are gaining no profit. Without Christ, all the churchy things in the world are as nothing.

But suppose we taste Christ, as I am sure you are doing. This is the next truth, the next level, the next lesson. We taste but little. We taste little compared to what we should taste. We taste little compared to what others have tasted. We taste little compared to what we desire to taste. We taste little compared to what we shall taste.

Substitute the word trust, and you will see what I mean. We trust but little. We trust little compared to how we should trust. We trust little compared to how others have trusted. We trust little compared to how we desire to trust. We trust little compared to how we shall trust.

When we come to this Table, the fleeting experiences of spiritual tasting that we have here, in which we taste Christ, but not as fully we would, should be an encouragement to you. You experience in such events the fact that the Holy Spirit is taking you somewhere. These fleeting “glimpses” are designed to bring you on. Come. The Spirit and the bride say, come.

God sanctifies us by enticing us. He is leading us on. He is preparing us for a meal that we could not come to without preparation. He is letting us now, little by little, what we are in for.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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