An Honor to Honor

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This is a Table of fellowship, and so we call it communion. This is a table of gratitude and thanksgiving, and so we call it the Eucharist. But another important function of a meal like this is the giving of honor.

This meal is a place of sacrifice, but we do not sacrifice the blood of animals, for that system was prophetic, looking forward to the time of Christ (Heb. 10:4). This meal is a place of sacrifice, but we do not sacrifice Christ here because Scripture tells us that His death was a death that was offered once for all (Heb. 10:10)—and that happened two thousand years ago. So what kind of sacrifice do we offer? Not only at this Table, but throughout the worship service, and throughout the course of our lives, we lift up the sacrifice of praise (Heb. 13:15).

In this meal, we give honor and glory to God who established this meal. We declare the praises of the one who enabled us to declare His praises in this way. But there is more, and there is a Latin phrase that expresses it well. Honor est in honorante. There is honor in giving honor.

The more clearly we honor God above all things here, the more He takes care to honor those who do so. He says that the one who honors God is the one whom God will honor (1 Sam. 2:30).

We do not come here to honor ourselves, but rather to honor God. But we should do this knowing how He works. What is He like? He is the God who gives, the God who overflows, the God who bestows.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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