With All the Gravel Frozen Over?

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Here is a link that looks promising. At that place, Justin Taylor quotes Greg Forster as saying, among other things, this:

“No doubt America’s church leaders are as concerned as anyone else about the grave news emerging from the European financial crisis. It threatens a disruption so serious that every economy in the world would be damaged. But pastors may naturally ask what, if anything, it all has to do with their work as the spiritual leaders of God’s people. I don’t think pastors are called to become experts in international finance . . .”

I am not really engaging with anything that Forster is urging, although his points on Justin’s blog look generally good to me. My point is simply to do a quick riff on that last sentence there. “I don’t think pastors are called to become experts in international finance . . .”

I should hope not. The ministry suffers under enough disrepute as it is.

We should never forget that all our financial woes have been created by experts in international finance. Their expertise has now crested the hill and is picking up speed. Have you ever seen a Eurocrisis hit a truck ramp at 110 mph? With all the gravel frozen over?

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