The Signature of God

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The Scriptures teach us in countless places that we are to be unsurprised when God’s faithful ones come under attack. When they tragically come under attack from fellow Christians, the charge against them is (obviously) not that they have been faithful, but rather unfaithful. This also should be no surprise.

Jesus was executed for blasphemy, but the real reason was envy. Paul was charged with corrupting the ancient traditions, but the real reason was his love for God’s purpose for the Gentiles. Peter and John were flogged for filling Jerusalem with their doctrine, but the real reason was that their doctrine was the aroma of life in the midst of a stench of death.

In our church, we have been regularly asking God to bring reformation to His church today, a church in desperate need of it. God is hearing our prayers, He is answering them, and we are greatly blessed. For His covenantal faithfulness, He is greatly to be praised. But the opposition to reformation is growing, both nationally and locally. As that opposition to reformation becomes more and more panicked, it is the task of each one of you to possess your souls in patience. Receive what our sovereign God brings to us in faith, calmness, serenity, and with that particular kind of boldness that comes from a clean conscience before God.

Nothing has been derailed. Nothing has been thwarted. Our God is in heaven, and He does whatever He pleases. The exhortation is to trust God, and to rest in Him. This attitude of peace, serenity, calmness, and willingness to bless those who curse is the signature of God at the bottom of every letter that He writes. We are grateful to God beyond words that you in this congregation are such a letter. Continue in it, and walk by faith.

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