Slopehead Country

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This morning I went to check out the Huffington Post, and saw a dire warning there about Michele Bachmann’s “Jeremiah Wright,” a preacher named Bradlee Dean. The HPost had put together a little montage of Dean’s homophobic rants n’ stuff, and when I put Dean and rant together in the same sentence I need to immediately qualify it so that folks don’t think I am talking about Howard Dean, but then, coming back to their video, I watched it clean through. Imagine my lack of surprise when I found him saying and doing a bunch of reasonable and defensible stuff.

Now I confess that I know next to nothing about Bradlee Dean, and so I am not really talking about him. What I am talking about is the fact that when the Left plays gotcha games, they often do it by proving they have spent next to no time in red state, slopehead country. They haul out quotations that they would never, ever hear in a PBS newsroom, or at a Washington cocktail mixer, and the quotations take their breath away. And so they report them on their web sites, in a breathless sort of voice.

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