Part of the Temple Wall

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God is at work in our midst, and when God works in a fallen world, He does two things. The first is a work of tearing down, of shaking, of demolishing that which rests upon the wisdom and knowledge of carnal man. He throws down the work of the fleshly man, He throws down the work of the religious man, He throws down the work of the bitter man, He throws down the work of the angry man.

The second thing He does is this: He builds His temple, and you are the living stones of that Temple. He is the master craftsman, and it is His intent for all these stones to fit together, and there are more than a few times when we just don’t see it. We want to throw the stones together, and the result is a haphazard rock wall, rather than a glorious Temple wall. God fits us together more closely than we would like.

But the chiseling work is not done in the final sanctuary, but in the quarry of this world. God is working on you now in order to make you a perfect part of what He is building for the ends of days. And what that is going to be like, we may surmise from the pages of Scripture, but the Spirit has to help us in our weakness. Ask Him to be helping us now, as we confess our sins.

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