Nothing Like Going Natural!

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At a recent conference, I had said a few things about some of the unnatural things that we call natural these days, and during one of the breaks a pleasant and informed young lady let me know something about fat-free milk, about which I must have said something. I must have said something like “never drink milk that is blue around the edges,” or something similar.

She informed me that skim milk could be a lot worse, and is as opaque and as white as it is because of . . . everybody sit down now . . . an additive called titanium white. In other words, without that additive — perfectly harmless I bet because additives usually are — the skim milk would look a lot more like the dirty water that it naturally resembles. But when I use the word naturally here, I do not mean that there is anything natural about any of this. I checked this young lady’s report out, and sure enough, the industrialists have figured out how to paint your health milk.

Another way to do this — and it would conserve the amounts of titanium white used — would be to paint the outside of the jug with it, and then drink the milk falsely so-called with one’s eyes closed. We could do it that way.

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