No Diminishment of the Word

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The sinful heart is prone to error, even in necessary corrections. While many Christians have overemphasized the Word, to the neglect of the sacraments, if we are seeking to correct this, we must guard against an over-correction.

Many assume that we cannot honor the Table unless we minimize the Word. But the Word preached is the power of God unto salvation, to all who believe, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Without the Word, the sacraments are nothing but smoke and shadow. Without the sacraments, the Word is being thought about, but in the end disobeyed.

So we do not emphasize the sacraments as a preliminary move in the minimization of a verbal declaration of the will of God. The Bible is our life, but it is only our life as we do what it says. This includes gathering together for the breaking of bread. But we must also remind one another constantly, as long as it is called Today, that we must be on guard against the deceitfulness of sin. So, as you hear the Word, cultivate humility of mind. As you partake of the sacrament, cultivate humility of heart. As you love one another, do so deeply, from the heart. That is our koinonia.

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