If the Opposite of Con is Pro, What’s the Opposite of Congress?

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As I have already noted, God is still in His Heaven, and things are still all right in the world. Our God in in the heavens, and He does whatever He pleases. God draws straight with crooked lines, and the sun will still come up tomorrow.

That said, I cannot let this teachable moment pass without commenting, sans shrillness, about the pointy-ness of the heads of our representatives in Congress. This particular plague spot on the Potomac has, in the grip of a glutinous sentimentality worthy of Madaleine Basset, voted in free chocolate milk for everybody. They managed to get the requisite number of votes by means of dirty work at the crossroads. We voted for these people meaning, if you follow my reasoning, we must have been outen our natural born heads. They have voted for a fifty pound slab of gorgonzola and the president is going to sign it. The House leadership, with hearts as black as the Earl of Hell’s riding boots, decided to do us all a favor which, translated, means you should leg it over the horizon while you still can. When it comes to economics, our representatives find themselves unable to get hep to the finer points. The whole thing smells like guano.

The American voter, meanwhile, is starting to sound like a mule kicking in the stall. The public is getting into the kind of mood you have to be in if you want to hunt rats with your teeth. Our elected representatives have, for reasons best known to themselves, decided to poke an irritated and bilious bear, and to do so with a very short stick. I have a feeling that more than one town hall meeting with congressmen in the next few weeks and months will consist of the assembled taking the opportunity to butter the lawns outside with said congressmen.

There. I feel better.

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