For He Is Good

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One of the taunts that was brought against our Lord during His earthly ministry was that He ate with sinners. If you look around the room, and if you consider your own heart, you will observe that He is still doing this. He still eats with sinners. But as He does this, He does not become like we are—rather, we become like Him.

This is why Paul could write to the Roman church, confident, as he put it, that they were filled with goodness. They were not filled with a goodness of their own. But nevertheless, they were filled with goodness. An ordinary congregation of forgiven sinners, just like you, was declared by the apostle to be filled with goodness. And so are you. You are filled with goodness. Look around the room—you see other saints who are filled with that same goodness, the goodness of the grace of God. It has come to rest upon us, and He has sent His Spirit to indwell us. Because Jesus is good—no one being good except God alone—all those who have gathered at His table in truth are also good. This is the goodness of grace, but it does not keep it from being goodness.

The food is good. The fellowship is good. The company is good. The results are good. The aroma is good. So as we partake, as we give thanks, offer your praises to the Lord, for He is good.

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