Feed and Restore

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In John 21, Jesus shares breakfast with His disciples on the beach. This is one of His resurrection appearances, and it is quite a striking circumstance.

For our purposes here, note two things. The first is that the Lord shares a meal with His disciples, as He is doing here, and secondly, that it is in the context of this meal that He restores Peter. This is something the Lord loves to do. He loves to eat with us, and He loves to restore us to full and complete fellowship.

If you are like every other Christian in the world, this last week you had to struggle against lust, envy, pride, deception, and so on. When you fell into sin, you denied the Lord, claiming not to know Him. You may not have done it to a servant girl at the high priest’s house, and you may not have heard a rooster crow right after you did it, but all sin is at heart a denial of the Lord.

And when you have done this, what does Jesus do? He invites you to come and dine with Him. And when you receive that invitation by faith, what is Jesus going to do as you come? The answer of Scripture is plain. He is going to receive you. He is going to nourish you, He is going to restore you. So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.



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