Brief Response

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Green Baggins continues our discussion, for which I am grateful. This installment, at least from me, will not be very long. Just a few comments. First, the FV statement on “Union with Christ and Imputation” does affirm the central Protestant view of imputation, as opposed to justification by infusion. The second part of the statement distances us as a group only from “particular doctrinal formulations” of that doctrine. Some of us, like me, are comfortable with those formulations, while others, as we point out in the section on intramural disagreements, don’t want to affirm that doctrine “in its classic form.” But we all actually do affirm the doctrine in one form or another. We don’t affirm the infusionist view.

On “union,” the word refers both to salvific union, only for those with true evangelical faith, and covenant union, for those who merely belong to the visible church.

And last, I thank Lane for answering my questions about signs and seals. I think we are pretty close there. I do believe that condemnation is sealed for those who do not believe, but I also want to say that the salvation sealed in the seal is only for the elect. The cup of blessing is a curse for those who don’t believe, but the intent of the cup of blessing, obviously, is to be a blessing.

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