Universal Sexual Application

“Moreover, since marriage is an ordinance of creation rather than of redemption, these divine standards apply to the whole human community, and not merely to a diminishing religious remnant . . . [speaking of sexual ethics, the ‘dispensibility’ of marriage, divorce and remarriage, and homosexual partnerships] Christians should enter vigorously into these debates, and fearlessly …

Application is Not Legalism

“There are many pastors today who, for fear of being branded ‘legalists’, give their congregation no ethical teaching. How far we have strayed from the apostles! ‘Legalism’ is the misguided attempt to earn our salvation by obedience to the law. ‘Pharisaism’ is a preoccupation with the externals and minutiae of religious duty. To teach the …

Landing the Application

“On the one hand, conservatives are biblical but not contemporary, while on the other liberals and radicals are contemporary but not biblical . . . Is it not possible for liberals to learn from conservatives the necessity of conserving the fundamentals of historic, biblical Christianity, and for conservatives to learn from liberals the necessity of …