And Hard Wood Burns Longer Than Kleenex

“The danger of formalism is real. Prayers and sermons that are read from a manuscript are usually stiff and unnatural and artificial. But the dangers of spontaneity is also great. If the heart is without passion, it will produce lifeless, jargon-laden spontaneity. And if the heart is aflame, no form will quench it” (Piper, Brothers, …

The Point of Pastoral Pain

“No pastoral suffering is senseless. No pastoral pain is pointless. No adversity is absurd or meaningless. Every heartache has its divine target in the consolation of the saints, even when we feel least useful. How does a pastor’s suffering achieve the consolation and salvation of his flock? The context of Paul’s words suggests the following …

Pastoral Ministry as Saving Grace

“For only by feeding on the Word can you grow, and only by growing can you persevere and attain final salvation. A steady diet of gospel messages which do not help the saints grow out of infancy only only stunts their character but also jeopardizes their final salvation” (Piper, Brothers, We Are Not Professionals, p. …

The Pastoral Nature of Systematics

“Another reason it is hard to spend hours probinjg for the roots of coherence is that it is fundamentally unfashionable today to systematize things and seek for harmony and unity. This noble quest has fallen on hard times because so much artificial harmony has been discovered by impatient and nervous Bible defenders” (Piper, Brothers, We …