“Sermons also have slow- and fast-paced elements. To listeners a five-minute story runs, while a five-minute definition crawls” (Galli & Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 118).
That Sounds Reasonable
“‘What is the best way,’ asked a young preacher of an older one, ‘to get the attention of the congregation?’ ‘Give ’em something to attend to,’ was the gruff reply” (Broadus, Preparation and Delivery, p. 249).
Which Is Missing the Point
“If we develop sloppily or too cautiously or attack prematurely — if we don’t use words and sentences well — we will fail to get the congregation to think about the one thing they’ve gathered to think about” (Galli & Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 92).
Two Great Objects
“The introduction has two chief objects, to interest our hearers in the subject, and to prepare them for understanding it” (Broadus, Preparation and Delivery, p. 249).
One Sermon, Not a String of Them
“It has often been said that a sermon should be about one thing. To be more accurate, the perfect sermon has one angle, one purpose, one rhetorical tie, and one psychological center” (Galli & Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 56).
That Being the Point
“Every sermon, by our definition, persuades” (Galli & Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 49).
An Integrated Whole
“The human body, like the sermon, does many things at once . . . The sermon, like the human body, does many things at once, though this is not grasped by the novice” (Galli & Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 47).
Because Scattered Doesn’t Remember Well
“One reason why some preachers find extemporaneous speaking so difficult is, that they do not arrange their sermons well” (Broadus, Preparation and Delivery, p. 243)
Love That Leaves the Pulpit
“The first act of love in preaching is an act of self-denial — to become more interested in people than in the subject” (Galli and Larson, Preaching That Connects, p. 16).
Never Let An Assembly Go to Waste
“Paul the indefatigable! He never stopped. Let his body be bruised and bleeding from a near lynching, but then show him a crowd and immediately he wants to preach to them (Acts 21:39)” (Motyer, Preaching?, p. 120).