Introduction: Holidays are frequently times when people get trapped by the expectations game. Because everyone around you assumes that the day is going to be “really good,” “special,” or “fantastic,” and is constantly telling you to have a “merry” one, it is easy to assume that having a merry Christmas is an actual possession of …
The Meaning of Gift
Introduction: In one sense, the meaning of Christmas is about much more than “presents” or “gifts.” But in another sense, this is the only thing that Christmas means. Many Christians think they are on safe spiritual ground in sneering at all the “consumerism,” but even here, especially here, it is too easy to strain out …
Joy to the World
Introduction: A few years ago I preached an annotated version of Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, showing how saturated in Scripture that Christmas carol was. Well, it is not the only one, and so I thought to do the same thing with Joy to the World. While Hark was assembled out of many passages, Joy …
The Potency of Right Worship
INTRODUCTION: Many of the problems confronting modern Christians are the result of diligently trying to do the right thing . . . in the wrong categories. They try guitar fingering on a mandolin; they try chess rules on a backgammon board; they apply the rules of French grammar to English. And for us to draw …
The Meaning of Amen
Introduction: Amen is probably the most universally-used and universally-recognized word throughout the world. Each of us probably uses it daily, and perhaps we even understand it. But when we consider what it means, and reflect on how we usually say it, or respond to it, we may have to reevaluate. Jerome commented that in the …
The Covenant Home #7: Sketch of Godly Parents
Introduction: When we consider what parents should look like, what first comes to our mind’s eye? Our tendency is to rush to some sort of a “works orientation,” and not to rest in faith. The Texts: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation …
The Covenant Home #6: Common Sins of the Household
Introduction: In a message on “common sins” in the household, it would be easy to focus on those common sins which everyone knows and acknowledges to be sins—complaining, fighting, etc. But the point this morning is to take a step or two back, and address some of the problems which set up the temptations for …
The Covenant Home #5/The Federal Family
Introduction: We have already seen that marriages are covenant entities. This is no less true of the fruit of such covenant unions. The family is not established by custom, or by legislation. The family is established and defined by the Word of God alone. The Text: And his sons would go and feast in their houses, …
The Covenant Home #4/Sketch of a Godly Wife
Introduction: We should recall that a firm understanding of the husband’s federal responsibilities does not diminish in any way a woman’s personal responsibility to be a godly wife, but rather provides a firm foundation for her. The Text: “An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in …
A Sketch of a Godly Husband/A Covenant Home 3
INTRODUCTION: Our sketch of a godly husband is not to be based upon a particular set of cultural assumptions, or on certain notions created by the false elevation of certain personality types. As with everything, we must turn to the Word of God for guidance. THE TEXT: “An excellent wife is the crown of her …