Book 4/Chapter 16 Father Abraham (section 13) 1. How are both circumcision and uncircumcision made equal in honor? 2. Why do Gentiles who believe not have to be circumcised? 3. Why does Paul deny that Abraham is father of the circumcision alone? Physical descent (section 14) 1. Does Calvin make physical descent from Abraham nothing? …
The Blessing of Christ
Book 4/Chapter 16 Blessing the children (section 7) 1. Why did the anabaptists not accept Christ blessing the children as a reason for baptizing them? 2. How does Calvin answer this? Argument from silence (section 8) 1. If we accepted that infant baptism is unbiblical because it is not mentioned, then what else is unbiblical? …
A Seemingly Plausible Argument
Book 4/Chapter 16 The attack on infant baptism (section 1) 1. Who attacks infant baptism, according to Calvin? 2. What is the appearance of their argument? 3. And what is it? The meaning of baptism (section 2) 1. What should we not focus on in baptism? 2. Are we to reason from baptism to the …
Calvin the Immersionist
Book 4/Chapter 15 Alien hodgepodge (section 19) 1. What does Calvin think of baptismal “extras” like chrism, exsufflation, and the like? 2. What should we omit from baptismal ceremonies? 3. What does Calvin say about the mode of baptism? 4. Nevertheless, what does he say the word “baptize” means? Baptism by laymen (section 20) 1. …
Sacramental Glue
Book 4/Chapter 15 A token of allegiance (section 13) 1. What other purpose does baptism serve? Surest rule (section 14) 1. What is the surest rule of the sacraments? 2. If we have faith, do we have mere appearance only? Not weakening (section 15) 1. Is it Calvin’s intent to weaken the force of water …
The President of Baptism
Book 4/Chapter 15 John’s baptism (section 7) 1. Does Calvin make any fundamental distinction between John’s baptism and Christian baptism? The president of baptism (section 8) 1. Who presides over baptism, whoever it is that administers it? Our Exodus (section 9) 1. Who is drowned in our baptism? Original sin (section 10) 1. For Calvin, …
The Virtue of Baptism
Book 4/Chapter 15 Baptism and forgiveness (section 1) 1. What are we received into by means of baptism? 2. What are we supposed to understand from our baptism? 3. Is baptism a mere token or mark? Virtue in the water (section 2) 1. Why does baptism keep us from trusting in mere water? 2. What …
Christ As the Constant
Book 4/Chapter 14 Value of circumcision (section 24) 1. Do New Testament statements disparaging circumcision, reduce that sacrament far below baptism? 2. What is the relationship of circumcision to baptism? Empty ceremonies (section 25) 1. How does Calvin explain the apostolic disparagement of Mosaic ceremonies? 2. How does Calvin approve such ceremonies? Some overstatement (section …
Christ Among the Jews
Book 4/Chapter 14 The promise of Christ (section 20) 1. Why did the sacraments vary in the time of the Old Testament? 2. What were some Levitical sacraments? 3. How many ordinary sacraments do we have now that Christ has come? 4. Would Calvin be willing to call anything else a sacrament? Looking forward to …
A Settled Sacramental Principle
Book 4/Chapter 14 A settled principle (section 17) 1. What should be a settled principle with regard to sacraments? 2. Under what conditions are sacraments spiritually useless? 3. Is God present in the institution? 4. How do sacraments work? Sacraments in a wider sense (section 18) 1. In the history of God’s people, what are …