Yesterday’s message from the book of Amos was on the tendency of unbelievers to bring their corruptions to an altar. Sinners like to sanctify their sin.
Pentecost Message
The message last Lord’s Day (Pentecost) was on the Spirit’s work in the world. If you want to follow a line of argument that draws attention to the Lord’s declared intention to redeem and restore this world, check out the this year’s Easter message, Ascension Day message, and this Pentecost message.
Rome and Philippi
Yesterday’s Ascension Day sermon was called “Colonies of Heaven.”
Introduction to Amos
The series will be interrupted almost right away because next Sunday is Ascension and the Sunday after that is Pentecost. But yesterday I began a series through the book of Amos, which will resume after Pentecost.
Real Ambition
The message this last Lord’s Day was on ambition.
And Throwing Elbows
Yesterday the sermon was on competition.
Wet Sand
I am preaching a brief series on desire, envy, competition, and ambition. Entitled “Heavier Than Wet Sand,” yesterday was on envy.
Yesterday, I began a short series of sermons on Desire, Envy, Competition, and Ambition. The message yesterday was Desire Runs Deep.
The New Ordinary
Yesterday’s Easter sermon was called “The New Ordinary” and can be found here.
Penitential Seasons
Since we are coming up on Easter, my sermon yesterday was on penitential seasons like Lent and Advent. You can listen to it here.