Providentially Protected and Preserved

“So we must understand there are two different approaches to textual work. One expresses confidence that God has protected His Word down through history. This is a faith position — faith in God. The other presupposition says that it is up to man, through neutral, scholarly, and scientific means, to determine what the original text …

Ultimacy and Infallibility

“The Bible teaches us that God has established religious authorities other than Scripture (the church and parents being two obvious examples), but these other authorities are not ultimate and they are not infallible. Ultimacy and infallibility are reserved to Scripture alone. Unlike the Roman Catholics we must not elevate other authorities to the level of …

All That We Need

“The sufficiency of Scripture also excludes the idea that there is any continuing revelation from the Holy Spirit given to the modern church — whether that revelation purports to come from charismatic ‘prophets,’ the holy-ghost-uh inspiring an utterance from the pastor’s wife, an impressive succession of bishops and popes, or from inner leadings, leanings, impressions, …