“Having gotten this straight, we must then factor in the problem of labels and bottle contents. In a perfect world, things would be what we called them — health food would be healthy, guaranteed savings would be, and so on. But this is a fallen world, and we can find, for example, both ‘independent’ and …
Aluminum Discipline
“We must beware of a too great reliance on a systematic reconstruction of the various references to discipline in the New Testament. matthew 18 is not a paint-by-numbers kits, and we should not assume that when we get to ‘stage two’ in a discipline process that we are at the second rung of a metal …
Death in the Fine Print
“But when rules and procedures multipy, students of history should see it as the manufacture of rope for possible judicial lynchings. Complexity in law is a friend to lawyers, not a friend to the accused” (Mother Kirk, p. 160).
Tough Love
“The most obvious result is that the one discipline is refused access to the Lord’s Supper, as well as the general communion which that Supper seals. But the offender is not being denied kindness, courtesy, opportunity to hear the Word preached, the duties owed to him by others, or anything else due him according to …
There is Never “No Discipline”
“When sin begins to work, the one in a position to discipline has a choice to make. Discipline is inescapable. At that point, we will either discipline the sin, or we will discipline the righteous” (Mother Kirk, p. 158).
And All God”s People Said . . .
“But this is a slander of liturgical worship, a slander, unfortunately, that is made by those on both sides of the debate. Those against liturgical worship will often caricature it as lifeless, cold, and dead. But too often the friends of open liturgy do everything they can to confirm the many prejudices. They mutter the …
Well Of Course We Can Do That
“In fact, as we have seen, every church has a liturgy. Every church has an order of service. But those which deny they have a liturgy have the side ‘benefit’ of not having to defend what they do scripturally. To take an example from each side of this thing, a minister of a church which …
Just Call Me Old Fashioned
“The subject matter should be decent. More than one congregation has been mortified to have to add their corporate amen to a plea for the healing of someone’s hemorrhoids. While we perhaps have not gone as far the Philistines and made gold replicas of them to set up in the foyer, we do talk about …
Three Feet of Accumulated Total Depravity
“Sometimes staunch Calvinists (may their tribe increase) like to get more than a little worm theology into their prayers. What this prayer time needs, the thinking seems to go, is about three feet of accumulated total depravity. Of course we are sinners, and of course we must acknowledge it in our prayers. But to wallow …
Praying in the Wrong Direction
“When the people of God are praying to God, the one offering up prayers on their behalf should not start (or continue) preaching to the people. If a pastor did not get his last point of the sermon in, he must not shoehorn it into the closing prayer. The one praying should never forget who …