Not An All-Purpose Disinfectant

“A Christian worldview does not somehow automatically ‘sanitize’ the world so that we can all go watch any R-rated movie we want now, for any reason we want, because ‘we have a Christian worldview.’ Put bluntly, a Christian worldview is not an excuse for compromised sinning. A Christian worldview is not an all-purpose disinfectant” (The …

Trying to Cover the Smell

“A Christian worldview is not a condiment added to a plate full of neutral food in order to flavor it. The faith of our fathers is not an educational afterthought. The ‘potatoes’ always come from somebody’s kitchen. Sometimes Hindus, Muslims, and atheists can be induced to eat Christian potatoes (because the Christian education provided at …

What’s Wrong With Civil Rights

“There is a vast difference between the way Christians and humanists define ‘civil rights.’ For a Christian rights tend to be negatively defined. For a humanist they are positively stated. For example, a Christian approach can be seen in such common law rights as the right to trial by jury or habeas corpus. A humanist …