“Practicing revenge is the way to continue divisions to the end of the world” (Burroughs, Irenicum, p. 270).
Come, They Say, Let Us Link to Their Blogs
“Why do you seek to strengthen yourselves by stirring up vile men to join with you, such as heretofore your hearts were opposite to? How comes it to pass that you can close so lovingly now? You can smile one upon another and shake hands together. How comes it to pass that you bring joy …
Dealing With People Instead of Abstract Logic
“Truer and more gentle is the judgment of that great and peacemaking divine, Martin Bucer, who said, ‘It is our part not to look at what may follow from an opinion, but at what follows in the consciences of those who hold it'” (Burroughs, Irenicum, p.268).
When Accusers Name
“Such men are accused under such a name, but when things come to be examined their name is all their crime” (Burroughs, Irenicum, p. 248).
Mud on Marble
“If dirt is cast upon a mud wall it sticks, but if cast upon marble it soon washes or crumbles away. God will in time justify His servants even in your consciences by the constancy of their peaceable carriage towards men, and their gracious holy walking with their God. Only take heed that you involve …
Bad Men With Shovels
“Does Moses prevail too much in the hearts of the people? Something must be found against him. If we can find nothing against him, yet we will find something against his wife . . . But now we are resolved to pick out whatever we can get information of, though it is about things done …
Something Will Stick
“This has been an old dividing way: if we can besmirch the chief of a party, we shall do well enough with the rest; wherefore let us make as ill interpretations of what they do as we possibly can. Let us fasten as ill things upon them which we can have any pretense for. Let …
“Now then, let these two things be granted about the Law: first, that we are not justified by it, but by the free grace of God in Christ; second, that when duties of holiness are set down in the Law, we are bound to them by the most strong obligations. What need is there for …
The Shield of Truth Protecting a Lie
“They cry out much of the truth, and they contend for the truth, but the Holy Ghost says they are destitute of the truth” (Burroughs, Irenicum, p. 217).
Let a Westminster Theologian Speak
“The things of religion are rather to be believed than disputed. ‘We believe fishermen, not logicians,’ said Ambrose. The devil at this day seeks to darken the glory of religion this way. He sees that so much light has broken forth that he cannot get men presently off it by profaneness; therefore he labors to …