I have a guest post up over at Desiring God on creation and “making.” You can check it out here.
Makers or Fakers
The Lord Jesus taught that when it comes to work, there are only two basic options. You must either gather, or you are scattering (Matt. 12:30). You are either digging a hole, or you are leaning on the shovel (2 Thess. 3:11). A man who excels in his work is going to stand before kings …
Although the Limitation Is a Real One
A parishioner who has my Anglo-Saxon text handed me a note this morning at church. “Is there such a thing as a modern English version of The Canterbury Tales? I have these guilts about never having read Chaucer but I was talked out of learning Early Anglo-Saxon/-Middle English by a friend who had to take …
Heads Up on an Incoming Credenda
This is your first warning. You can order the next issues of Credenda here, and you will get one more notice right before we go to press. But that is no reason to lollygag — you’re burning daylight, man. Â But if you do nothing else, at least go to that page and double click …
More Details on the Grace Agenda
I do hope you have noticed the theme and date of our coming Grace Agenda conference. You haven’t? Well, let me draw your attention to it now. The details are filling out nicely. This conference will be happening September 14-15 in Moscow, up in the chimney of Idaho. The theme of the Grace Agenda conference …
A Little Linkage Round Up
Since there was recent burst and flurry of activity on the webs, I thought I should provide a quick round-up of links. Here is a piece at CT on the American flag in the sanctuary. Here is a preview of Justin Holcomb’s approach to his topic at this fall’s Grace Agenda. And here is a …
With Nostrils Flaring . . .
I would like to remind everybody that our second annual Wordsmithy seminar is pawing the earth, ready to charge, and all we need is for the remaining seats to fill, and for the date to get here. That’s all.
The Bloomington Imbroglio
Many, many thanks to Jake Mentzel, Tim Bayly, and the crew at Clearnote. And of course we would also want to thank our own Foucachon gang of intrepid chroniclers.
First Ever Blog & Mablog Survey
I would like to invite you to participate in the very first Blog & Mablog survey. Only twenty questions, and I will be lots wiser. Click here for that.
Could Be Lots Worse, I Suppose
In the aftermath of the controversy over my 5 Cities book in Indonesia, Muslim Twitter polemics reaches a pretty high level — “hey,your book is nice and good. Good for put to trash!!” I am not sure how to judge such things. Should I be concerned that it is not a feast of reason or …