There was a conservative and Dutchy denom That passed a report with indignant aplomb. But we never bleed, If our critics can’t read, And so here’s to a missing-the-point pheenom. . . . I don’t believe I have ever footnoted a limerick before, so here you go.
Scratching Their Watches
I was recently asked by a friendly fellow in the URC to read and comment on the URC report on the Federal Vision, which I have now done. Having read through it, I can only say that it appears to be the work of extraordinary animus, or extraordinary ignorance, and perhaps sometimes both. Update: Since …
The Flight Attendants Are Lying
I have noted before that one of the things that the fundamentalist mindset does well is identify the logical trajectory of an idea fifteen minutes after it is first stated. In contrast to this, there is a sophisticated and nuanced academic mindset that likes to fiddle, discuss, analyze, count, and try on different readings of, …
Over at
A few weeks ago I posted, and responded to, Bruce Waltke’s video in which he was urging us to to believe in evolution — evolution or spiritual death was the alternative as he presented it. Since that time, and because of that video, he has resigned his position at RTS in Orlando, and has now …
A Paschal Blessing
As many who read this blog know, it has a been a season of controversy. But fortunately, it is also the Paschal season. The Lord is risen; He is risen indeed. We have been brought up from the dead, and our present possession is life, just as our final destination is life. Newness of life …
Just South of Wichita
I am afraid I have some more bad news for the defenders of the faith over at Heidelhoneyhut. The rot of heresy is spreading. The FV leprosy was not addressed promptly enough, and has begun to spread retroactively through the body of all church history. And you know it is a really bad factory that …
In Which Scott Clark Loses His Golf Ball
The use of the law assumes a context, and that context has to include people. The three uses of the law are not possible if the Bible remains closed. If the text says, “thou shalt not steal,” but the text has never been read by any man, then none of the three uses of the …
Three Reasons Why the Keepers of the Reformed Flame Don’t Understand Their Own Tradition
Something of an extended discussion has broken out over at Greenbaggins, and this discussion revolves around whether acceptance of the law/gospel hermeneutic is necessary in order to be faithful to sola fide. Looking at that discussion, my son-in-law commented that it was like watching junior high boys, down in the rec room, arguing over the …
Sweet Compliance
On a previous occasion, Greenbaggins had said that I was okay on sola fide, but has now come to the end of a chain of reasoning that requires him to say that he no longer believes this. His full post can be found here. And, although I believe him to be confused on the point, …
Whack Thee Upon the Mazzard
The final report from the Standing Judicial Commission on the Leithart case is now out, and I just now finished reading through it. The judgment of the commission was that the complaint against the Pacific Northwest Presbytery was “sustained, and the case is sent back to PNW with instructions to proceed according to the Reasoning …