The Flight Attendants Are Lying

I have noted before that one of the things that the fundamentalist mindset does well is identify the logical trajectory of an idea fifteen minutes after it is first stated. In contrast to this, there is a sophisticated and nuanced academic mindset that likes to fiddle, discuss, analyze, count, and try on different readings of, …

Three Reasons Why the Keepers of the Reformed Flame Don’t Understand Their Own Tradition

Something of an extended discussion has broken out over at Greenbaggins, and this discussion revolves around whether acceptance of the law/gospel hermeneutic is necessary in order to be faithful to sola fide. Looking at that discussion, my son-in-law commented that it was like watching junior high boys, down in the rec room, arguing over the …

Whack Thee Upon the Mazzard

The final report from the Standing Judicial Commission on the Leithart case is now out, and I just now finished reading through it. The judgment of the commission was that the complaint against the Pacific Northwest Presbytery was “sustained, and the case is sent back to PNW with instructions to proceed according to the Reasoning …

And in a Masterpiece of Bad Timing . . .

Congratulations to my colleague Peter Leithart, who has been appointed to a two-year lectureship for the Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education (ARIHE). You can read more about that here , on the blog of Roy Atwood , president of NSA. Meantime, in a masterpiece of bad timing, some of the gnats-stranglers in the …