The OPC report on the Federal Vision is being considered at their General Assembly this week. Because of this, I want to say just a few things for the record. It is not that my opinion matters all that much, but I feel free to make these comments because I am labeled as one of …
Beyond the Five Solas
It is important for us to consider recent events in our town and around the country in the light of God’s Word. The Lord has been very kind to us thus far, but part of our responsibility is to understand His kindness, and not just to receive it. The Lord has given us the great …
Well, At Least Somebody Understood Us
I finally got around to reading Joseph Minich’s paper on the Federal Vision and the New Perspective on Paul. Maybe you heard about it too. I ran it off when it first came out, and then after that I threw it in my briefcase and hauled it around for a while (trying to earn me …
Presbyterians and Presbyterians Together
I would like to direct your attention to an important statement here. A group called Presbyterians and Presbyterians Together has drafted a statement, and they are inviting you to attach your signature to it. I would strongly encourage the same thing. The importance of this can hardly be overstated. This is not an abandonment of …
Doctrinally Bilingual
I have come to a conclusion. I have been in the midst of doctrinal fraci (what’s the plural of fracus?) because I am bilingual. I speak both TR and FV. When I talk with others who are bilingual, we get along famously, and I feel like peace is going to break out across the Reformed …
The Scarecrow’s Hat
One of the regular charges leveled against Auburn Avenue types is that we are paving the way for our folks to go over to Rome, or, mayhap to the other church, farther to the east, that has apostolic credentials going all the way back. Unless you count the Copts. And the Armenian Orthodox. Bunch of …
Charges and Specifications
It is about time that somebody realized the source of all the trouble. High time we brought old Jean Calvin of St. Peter’s Reformed Church in Geneva up on charges. Somebody had to do it. HT: Peter Leithart
Paul and James
Not that I want to beat a dead horse or anything, but I would be interested in feedback from any critics of Auburn Avenue stuff on the following statement. Would you all be comfortable with this expression of the relationship of faith and works, Paul and James? What are we to do with James’ apparent …
Objectivity and Emergence
Frank Turk raised a question about the objectivity of the covenant and emergence, but at least had the presence of mind to realize it was a baptist question. This is not a detailed answer to the question, but it provides the initial outline of an answer. I believe emergent errors need to be identified and …
Express Warrant for Paedobaptism
With regard to the baptism of infants, I no longer accept the requirement for “express warrant” that I used to hold to when I was baptistic in my convictions. The “express warrant” hermeneutic winds up prohibiting way too much — worship on the Lord’s Day, women taking communion, and so on. At the same time, …