More Stuff on Clark

I just posted this as a comment on Scott Clark’s blog. Dr. Clark, Late Wednesday night, you posted this on your blog. “Mr Wilson’s doctrine of justification through “living” or “obedient” faith is the very doctrine that we rejected in the Reformation” (emphasis mine). After saying I follow the Romanist ordo, you also say, “Mr …

The Kind of Eyeball That Sees

Scott Clark is at it again. He misrepresents my views (again) by saying this: “Mr Wilson’s doctrine of justification through ‘living’ or ‘obedient’ faith is the very doctrine that we rejected in the Reformation. He makes faith efficacious, not because it looks to Christ alone, but because it looks to Christ and is obedient.” The …

Even Warriors for Truth Have to Fudge the Facts a Little

In the “Bitter Wormwoods” post below, I appreciated a comment by David Gadbois, an FV critic, and thought I should respond to it here. He said, “I think Dr. Clark is right in his statement about the FV in general, although I think only 2 of the points would apply to Wilson at all (paedocommunion …

Opening Play of the End Game

Scott Clark, big surprise, has written some more about the federal vision here. But in the course of his litany of ecclesiastical entities that have in various ways rejected the federal vision, he then goes on to say something very important — something that gives the end game away, incidentally. This, I predict, will be …

More On Louisiana Presbytery

I am grateful to be able to announce that Steve Wilkins has been cleared (for a second time) by his presbytery. “Louisiana Presbytery, after thorough examination and investigation of TE Steve Wilkins as per the SJC directives regarding allegations made in the Central Carolina Presbytery Memorial, finds no strong presumption of guilt in any of …

Thanks for the Opportunity to Respond

Editor, In your last issue of The Confessional Presbyterian, I read an article by R. Scott Clark entitled “Baptism and the Benefits of Christ.” There are many issues here, but I would like for reasons of space to limit myself to two. The first has to do with Dr. Clark’s straw man representation of the …

Layered Definition

One undercurrent beneath the Federal Vision business is a hidden difference in epistemological assumptions. The Hellenistic method strips accidents away from the thing, looking for essences. The Hebraic way of definition adds layer upon layer, looking at the thing from as many different angles as possible, and in as many situations as possible. Peter Leithart …