The official testimony of the Mid-America Reformed Seminary has a digest of errors. I stated in an earlier post that I could join with them in rejecting about 43 of their list of 45. But the reasons for this vary. In some cases, it was because I agreed with them in rejecting the errors of …
Theologians Are From MARS
I just now finished looking over a statement from Mid-America Reformed Seminary — “Doctrinal Testimony Regarding Recent Errors.” What a dog’s breakfast. The testimony is suitably coy and nebulous about exactly who the particular error-mongers might be, but they do refer darkly to “the present controversies,” “contemporary discussion,” “current climate,” “theological errors,” and whatnot. The …
Mangle Tangle
I recently accepted an apology from Sean Lucas over a review he had written of “Reformed” Is Not Enough a few years ago. He did not apologize for what he had written, but rather for the way in which he had written — he apologized for the tone. I am not taking any of my …
A Stacked Committee?
Sean Lucas has apologized to me for the tone of something he wrote about me a few years ago. He did this publicly on his blog (here), and given the widespread attention this whole thing has received, I thought it would be good to extend forgiveness in a public way as well, which I am …
All Passages Work Together for Good
Before Green Baggins goes on to my next chapter, he had some follow-up questions to my last response. First, law and gospel. As I said, I affirm the three uses of the law. My position is this: when the law reveals to me my need for a savior, and prepares me for the gospel proper, …
FVs, TRs at PCA GA, ASAP, Should Read . . .
I have a suggestion. FVs and TRs headed for the PCA GA, should read, as soon as possible, the subject of this post. They should do this so that we don’t wind up with any new denominations with too many Cs, Rs, and Ps in the name. There is an old blues song that starts …
More FV Clarifications
My apologies to Green Baggins for taking so long to answer his questions. I have been up to my neck in discussions with atheists. For the same reason, my answers here will be brief, and may come across like a laundry list, but I hope they will still be able to do the work of …
Ed Veith and Me
A week or two ago, you may recall we had some discussion here about a question Ed Veith had raised on his blog about my views on the penal nature of the substitutionary atonement. Well, he was doing some traveling, as was I, but we finally connected a couple days ago. We had a good …
No Real Disagreement Yet
Green Baggins is continuing his review of my book “Reformed” Is Not Enough, and he continues to do a fine job. In his review of the next chapter where I seek to establish my evangelical bona fides, he basically has one question that he wants clarified, and it has to do with my views on …
A Clarification
Green Baggins has come to the chapter of RINE where I seek to establish my Calvinistic bona fides. Some have interpreted the FV as though it were some form of Arminianism or semi-Pelagianism. So early in the book, I set aside a chapter to demonstrate that I wish that the Synod of Dort had promulgated …