Are You Looking for the City? (MP3)


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Shall I explain what’s going on with these songs? I am in the process of emptying out the archives, and giving you all a chance to share in the joy. I will probably add this explanation to all the songs I add here.

Back in the seventies I was in a band called Mountain Angel Band. In the course of events, we cut an album, three songs of which I wrote. They will appear in the Mablog shop in due course. The name of the album was Angelfood. One time, Nancy and I were in a Christian bookshop up in Canada somewhere, and I found our album in the record bin. “Look, honey,” I said, “we’re internationally unknown.” Nobody is buying them up here either.

After Mountain Angel Band folded its tent, I went on to make a solo album called Falling on Deaf Ears. It was released, if memory serves, on cassette and not on vinyl. This was a financial decision, due to the limitations of the time. Nobody in Nashville was returning my calls, mostly because I wasn’t making them. I am guessing, but only guessing, that this occurred sometime in the early eighties. I have eight songs from this album available. One of them, Science Fiction, is already available here, and even has a little video to go with it. That means you can listen to it before buying, always a plus. This song, Are You Looking for the City?, has a nice groove to it, at least for the eighties. That, and an Edwardsian hat tip.

After my solo — career is not the word I am looking for — venture, I would periodically do something with some local musicians, loosely collected depending on the song, and I took to calling this loose collection, whoever they were this time, The Jenny Geddes Band. Jenny was the doughty woman who threw her stool at the head of the minister in St. Giles, for his attempt to introduce the Book of Common Prayer into Scotland. When I post songs from JGB, they will be marked with a picture of that infamous stool. Songs from JGB already up in the shop are Hold Your Peace and ID Blues. More of those are coming, Lord willing.


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